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Course Descriptions

Multi-Disciplinary Studies

Multi-Disciplinary Studies - Course Descriptions

MDS 100 Me, Myself, and Leadership 1R-1L-21 W, S
Graduate Studies Eligible: No
Prerequisites: There are no prerequisites for this course.
Corequisites: There are no corequisites for this course.

Before leading others, you must first understand yourself. This course will focus on developing YOU as a leader through hands-on experiences, lectures, and reflection. Focus will be on learning about your personality, identity, values, and strengths and how those relate to your growth as a leader. In addition, you will explore how a solid understanding of emotional and social intelligence can help a leader motivate and communicate with their team. Leadership is a process, not a position; you can learn to be a leader.
MDS 201 Global Engineering and the Social Context 1R-3L-2C
Graduate Studies Eligible: No
Prerequisites: There are no prerequisites for this course.
Corequisites: There are no corequisites for this course.

Examines the practice of engineering in a global context. Discusses the nature of global challenges and the context in which those global challenges need to be solved by covering such topics as culture, participant observation, field notes, national character, standards, codes and regulations, community engagement engineering, sustainable engineering, engineering ethics, intercultural communication as well as flexible and adaptable problem solving.
MDS 202 Global Engineering and the Social Context 0R-6L-2C
Graduate Studies Eligible: No
Prerequisites: MDS 201
Corequisites: There are no corequisites for this course.

Examines engineering as practiced in an immersive global context. Contextualizes the design method, standards, codes and regulations by completing an engineering project in the travel country. Explores the impact of the travel country’s cultural, political, geographical and social attributes on the practice of engineering. Students enrolled in this course must complete an approved international travel program.
MDS 210 Introduction to Internet of Things 4R-0L-4C W
Graduate Studies Eligible: No
Prerequisites: ECE 160 or CSSE 120 or ENGD 120 or BE 100 or CHE 110 or ME 123
Corequisites: There are no corequisites for this course.

Introduction to the design and development of an Internet of Things (IoT) solution. Provides breadth of knowledge on a broad range of topics, such as sensors, power, communication, cloud storage, data analysis, automation, privacy and security, business considerations, and ethics. Focuses on a multidisciplinary team design project to provide a complete IoT solution for a real-world application.
MDS 290 Special Topics in Multidisciplinary Studies 1C-4C Variable
Graduate Studies Eligible: No
Prerequisites: TBD
Corequisites: TBD

Special topics courses of current interest in Multidisciplinary Studies at the 200 level.
MDS 301 Global Engineering for Health 4R-0L-4C
Graduate Studies Eligible: No
Prerequisites: PH 112
Corequisites: There are no corequisites for this course.

Introduces critical thinking skills, engineering methodology, troubleshooting and debugging skills, and a basic knowledge of how electrical and mechanical systems work in common medical devices. Develops students’ social, professional, and global awareness skills needed to live, work, and provide humanitarian need in a developing world. Completion of this course satisfies Engineering World Health training requirements.
MDS 302 Sustainability in Practice 2R-0L-2C
Graduate Studies Eligible: No
Prerequisites: HUM H130, BIO 191, and ECON S151
Corequisites: There are no corequisites for this course.

This is a project-based course to provide hands-on experiences for student teams working on real-world problems related to sustainability. This could include design projects, scientific research, modeling-based projects, or studies to improve campus sustainability. The course instructor will mentor teams with routine assignments that relate to their design or research process through oral and written communication.
MDS 310 Appropriate Technology for Developing Communities 4R-0L-4C F
Graduate Studies Eligible: No
Prerequisites: MA 113, and PH 112
Corequisites: There are no corequisites for this course.

Prepares students to effectively participate in humanitarian engineering work in developing communities. Introduces multidisciplinary technical topics important in areas with limited infrastructure such as water and sanitation, agriculture, energy, and communication. Emphasis on cross-cultural communication, community support and involvement, long-term maintenance, and minimizing harmful side-effects. Team design project to demonstrate a practical and appropriate system from the course material.
MDS 390 Special Topics in Multidisciplinary Studies 1C-4C Variable
Graduate Studies Eligible: No
Prerequisites: There are no prerequisites for this course.
Corequisites: There are no corequisites for this course.

Special topics courses of current interest in Multidisciplinary Studies at the 300 level.
MDS 401 Independent Project/Research Opportunities Seminar 1R-0L-1C F,W,S
Graduate Studies Eligible: No
Prerequisites: Permission of instructor
Corequisites: There are no corequisites for this course.

Companion seminar for students participating in the Independent Project/Research Opportunities Program. Students attend an organizational seminar, attend one additional IPROP seminar during the quarter, complete first week and tenth week surveys, acknowledge their sponsor, and generate publicity graphics. Students present their work as a poster at a tenth week End of Quarter Symposium. This course may not be used as credit toward any degree program. This course is given Pass/Fail.
MDS 402 Seminar in Sustainability 2R-0L-2C
Graduate Studies Eligible: No
Prerequisites: MDS 302
Corequisites: There are no corequisites for this course.

This course provides students with the opportunity to examine, analyze, and reflect upon sustainability as it related to their project or research work. Course work includes weekly readings and discussions, individual essays, and in-class and public presentations. Successful completion of this course will require students to have completed the co-curricular requirements.
MDS 410 Multidisciplinary Capstone I 2R-3L-4C F
Graduate Studies Eligible: No
Prerequisites: Senior standing or approval of instructor
Corequisites: There are no corequisites for this course.

This course begins the year-long multidisciplinary capstone design project and continues to investigate the process of design from previous courses. The emphasis of this course includes project scoping, generating design concepts, establishing specifications, planning the project, scheduling, team building, and working within explicit (or implicit) constraints such as social, fiscal, manufacturing, etc. The course culminates with a proposal for next steps. It is expected that each student produces 12 hours of quality work each week including class time.
MDS 420 Multidisciplinary Capstone II 2R-3L-4C W
Graduate Studies Eligible: No
Prerequisites: MDS 410
Corequisites: There are no corequisites for this course.

This course is a continuation of MDS410 by having student teams continue to implement their proposed design plan. This will include development of a test plan, modifications to the design project as needed, and assessment of design performance relative to initial specifications. This course culminates in evaluation of prototype development and plan for project completion. It is expected that each student produces 12 hours of quality work each week including class time.
MDS 430 Multidisciplinary Capstone III 2R-3L-4C S
Graduate Studies Eligible: No
Prerequisites: MDS 420
Corequisites: There are no corequisites for this course.

This course is a continuation of MDS410 and MDS420. The student teams continue to implement their proposed design plan and complete the design project according to stakeholder needs. This course culminates in final product documentation and a formal public showcase to which all campus is invited. It is expected that each student produces 12 hours of quality work each week including class time.
MDS 440 Systems Engineering Capstone 2R-0L-2C
Graduate Studies Eligible: No
Prerequisites: Senior standing
Corequisites: There are no corequisites for this course.

Directed study course with a minor advisor. Student applies concepts from SE courses to an experience in their undergraduate career. Taken in senior year. Culminates in a written report at the end of the quarter. Must attend and report on one monthly INCOSE meeting with practicing systems engineers. Only available to those students who have officially declared their intent to earn the SE Minor.
MDS 490 Special Topics in Multidisciplinary Studies 1C-4C Variable
Graduate Studies Eligible: No
Prerequisites: There are no prerequisites for this course.
Corequisites: There are no corequisites for this course.

Special topics courses of current interest in Multidisciplinary Studies at the 400 level.
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